Ark' Rizzam lays nestled deep within the world-desert of Bliss. The only road leading to Ark' Rizzam is a nearly 3 days on mount from The Flesh Trail and is swept clean of tracks every day by the caustic winds of Bliss. The winds devour all traces of desert movement accept for those of the magically protected Flesh Trail placed by the Aull Mother to protect the slavers. Ark' Rizzam has never been found by the Phul despite all efforts.
Ark' Rizzam serves as a sanctuary to all escaped/freed slaves that survive the treacherous journey through Bliss. Only a single well hidden and guarded gate, Freeman's Gate, allows all entrance and exit from Ark' Rizzam with powerful magic serving to detect all traces of Phul that attempt to enter... or leave.
The steep inner walls of the volcano crater swing upwards at nearly 90 degrees for over 40 metres and slope outwards to form the long-dormant volcano that protects the location of the city.
Sentries guard the perimeter at all times and constantly patrol the city, keeping all who live there from harm and persecution. Laws are strictly enforced and thievery is met with swift and lethal force.
Bahn Omar |
Ark' Rizzam is ruled by a powerful and elusive wizard named Bahn Omar and an elected council of citizens who call the place home. A school of merit-elected professionals provide training, organization and general education to the many slaves that call Ark' Rizzam home.
The tone of the city is optimistic but dour due the tortured lives that the inhabitants have lived as slaves of the Phul and their horrific experiences while imprisoned in The City Of Flesh. All dwellers of Ark' Rizzam hold an intense hatred of the Phul and await the day they can exact bloody revenge of them.
Ark' Rizzam contains three basic areas: The Dwellers Area, The Market and the central oasis and fortress of Bahn Omar. The buildings are a ramshackle of the few resources available and resemble crude stone work, wood and other materials brought in by scouting parties. Everything is covered in sand and the winds constantly turn up choking clouds. Everyone covers themselves in layers of cloth to avoid the sand and to hide the scars they bear from their time as slaves.
There are rumours of hidden tunnels, caverns and an underground complex but no proof of these has ever been shown.
City Fortress and central oasis |