Bliss is the name of the desert that occupies the known reaches of Dramoor during the 3rd age. Bliss has a varied and nearly limitless variation of desert, ranging from swampy and impassable to a sea of cascading dunes through to parched and cracked wastes, criss-crossed with bottomless cracks and fissures. Active volcanos and rivers of lava along with caustic salt flats, razor sharp crystals forests and plains of steaming acid all combine to prevent anyone from long term survival while living outside the city of Aull.
Bliss is the name of the desert that occupies the known reaches of Dramoor during the 3rd age. Bliss has a varied and nearly limitless variation of desert, ranging from swampy and impassable to a sea of cascading dunes through to parched and cracked wastes, criss-crossed with bottomless cracks and fissures. Active volcanos and rivers of lava along with caustic salt flats, razor sharp crystals forests and plains of steaming acid all combine to prevent anyone from long term survival while living outside the city of Aull.