The City of Flesh is the only major settlement located in the world-desert of Bliss. The city is ruled by a near-immortal fire giant shaman named Wurzlgra. His unwavering dedication to the Aull Mother and his iron grip on the inhabitants of The City of Flesh is uncontested, even amongst the Phul.
The City of Flesh
The city serves as the prison, breeding ground and testing area for all the slaves sent to the capital city of Aull. While escape is relatively easy, it is also pointless since the city is nestled at the base of a highly volcanic range of mountains, deep within the Wurzlgra Lava Swamp, a desolate and unforgiving stretch of land. Beyond these areas, the great world-desert Bliss extends as far as anyone knows and will consume any who manage to reach it.
The over all tone of the city is bleak and unyielding where only the strong and capable can survive. Daily inquisitions, gladiators fights to the death and a lack of food and water ensures only the strongest slaves survive, ready to be pressed into a life sentence of slavery by the Phul of Aull City.
As long as the slaves continue to arrive to the Aull Mother, Wurzlgra will remain the lord and keeper of The City of Flesh.