Gods, 1st Age

The Gods that first reigned during Dramoor's first age were entirely benevolent and good-aligned. The peoples flourished and expanded across the world. Sadly, this led to Dramoor becoming unbalanced in the eyes of other gods that called the outer planes home.

A great rift was opened by an unnamed event which allowed evil to seep through Dramoor's crystal veil. A mighty war was waged by the invading evil on Koanda and her god-children. At the conclusion of the war, several evil gods remained, embolded by followers. These evil powers are dominated by Drea, the god of madness.

The Good:

Koanda (All Mother)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Symbol: The sun, human hand, eagle

The Goddess of Wisdom, Memory and the North Wind is very plain, with pale skin, long, straight gold hair, and eyes the colour of tree bark. She is medium height and very muscular, and is usually frowning. She usually wears a hooded cloak dyed violet.

She is also associated with rituals and feasts. She is often worshipped by women. Her shrines can be found at the edge of forests. She is the mother of Noph, Kavri, Sarin and Arezual. She is known to help mortals who seek to know the truth despite great odds and risk to themselves. Koanda bore her god-children from the primordial chaos of time and instilled them with benevolence so they would lead the peoples of Dramoor towards enlightenment and salvation from evil.

Inside Info: Koanda is a female aspect of the god Odin, from the Norse mythology. After the closing of The Crystal Veil Odin arrived at the newly formed world of Dramoor where he was greeted by primitive peoples who were shiftless and without direction. Odin sought to guide them as they grew with a sense of renewed benevolence and love. This energy took the form of a separate and independent god, calling itself Koanda. Neither Koanda herself nor her children are aware of this.

Alignment: Lawful Good
Symbol: Flame, fork

The God of Secrets, the Hearth and Home, is eerily beautiful, with bronzed skin, shoulder length, flowing pale golden hair, and eyes the colour of forest moss. He is very tall and willowy, and is usually smiling. He usually wears rich robes dyed yellow-orange.

He is also associated with psychology and the day. He is often worshipped by magic-users, elders and story tellers. He is known to send visions to mortals in the form of riddles and cryptic poems. Noph is the brother of Kavri, Sarin and Arezual.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: Boat, clouds

The Goddess of Water and Rain, is extremely beautiful, with very pale skin, short, flowing dark brown hair, and eyes the colour of deep azure. She is medium height and willowy, and almost never frowns. She usually wears light armor dyed pale brown and black.

She is also associated with jesters and fear and chaos. She is often worshipped by pirates, fishermen and beings that live off of oceans, rivers and lakes. There are many statues of her in most port villages and can be found on remote islands. She is known to help great mortal leaders in times of crisis. Kavri is the sister of Noph, Sarin and Arezual.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Symbol: Tree

The God of Earth, is noble looking, with ruddy skin, waist length, rippling green hair, and eyes the colour of mud. He resembles a massive tree when not in human form. He is extremely tall and of hearty build, and almost never smiles. He usually wears rich robes dyed black or bright scarlet.

He is also caring and nurturing. He is often worshipped by people of the woods and those from the animal kingdoms. There are no shrines to Sarin, as his temples are the forests themselves. He is known to never reveal himself directly to mortals, only sending proxies and only when for mortals who show deep reverence to his realm. Sarin is the brother of Kavri, Noph and Arezual.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Symbol: Fire, flame, torch

The God of Night, Fire, Hunting and Winter, is very plain, with stark white skin, topped by short, straight white hair, and black eyes. He is very tall and willowy, and looks somewhat insane. He can never be looked at directly and is perpetually shrouded in miss, fog and shadows. He is neither good or evil but is the nemesis of Drea.

He is also associated with justice and cats. There are a few temples to him in the darkest areas if the wild, along shores and can be found in underground temples. He is known to sometimes place obstacles in the way of wicked mortals while placing beacons for those that become lost. Arezual is the brother of Kavri, Sarin and Noph.

The Bad:

Inside Info: Drea and the other 'bad' gods are aspect gods of The Madness Gods from beyond the Crystal Veil. Many call those gods Cthulhu.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Symbol: Fish, blood drop, spiral

The God of Fish, Evil, Madness, Deception and Pain, is dour and uncompromising, with dark skin, waist length, straight pale red hair, and eyes the colour of new-forged copper. He is very tall and somewhat muscular, and has a faraway expression. He usually wears amor and a helmet dyed red from blood. He is referred to as the imposter god, the usurper and the invader from darkness.

He is also associated with chaos, war, betrayal and the underworld. Shrines to Drea can be found in hidden valleys, swamps and the villages of the damned and cursed. There are many myths involving his duels with Noph. He is known to directly meddle in the affairs of mortals and has been known to take children to be raised as his acolytes.

Drea is said to have come to Dramoor from beyond the Crystal Veil, also known as The Far Realm and The Place Of Madness. He was able to enter the world of Dramoor due to the unbalance created by Koanda's good-aligned god-children. Area is not an aspect of the other deities that were born from the peoples of Dramoor and is locked in an endless war with the pantheon due to this fact. His great sphere of influence and tremendous powers make him a match for Koanda and all her children.

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: Skull, crossed swords

The God of Death, Corruption and Murder is an exotic beauty, with sallow skin, shoulder length, flowing black hair, and eyes the color of fire. He is very tall and narrow-shouldered, and looks rather smug. He usually wears opulent robes dyed white. He is also associated with mysteries, intrigue and poison. He is often worshipped by thieves, murders and deceivers. He is known to send false visions to great mortal leaders causing them to come under his influence when having to corretc their mistakes due to the false visions.


Alignment: Neutral Evil
Symbol: Set of teeth

The Goddess of Disease and Sickness, is surprisingly ugly, with bronzed skin, long, flowing light brown hair, and black eyes. She is of average height and of average build, and is usually laughing.
She usually wears elegant clothing dyed brown and gold. She is also associated with frogs and putrid water. She is known to appear to mortals nearing death so she can mock and shame them for thier past transgressions. 

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Symbol: Skeleton Key 

The God of Shadows and Thieves, is surprisingly ugly, with fair skin, long, medium brown hair, and eyes the color of shimmering crystals. He is of average height and slender, and generally has a sinister expression. He usually wears little clothing, dyed medium yellow and pale brown. He is also associated with strife and lies. He is known to help mortal thieves who escape from imprisonment.

The Others:

Bargrivyek (God of Goblins)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: Flail, Club or Crab

Ilsensine (God of Illithids)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: Brain with tentacles

Kanchelsis (Minor God of Undead, Father of Vampires)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Symbol: white hand with a palm moon

Ferrix (Minor God of balance)
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Tiger

Stillsong (Minor God of Wandering)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Symbol: Compass, 'X' mark